
Next project?

Some strange idea, maybe for the next project: get a movie with subtitles in Chinese. The so-called "soft subtitles", the ones that live in a separate text file. Now, read the subtitles without watching the movie. Read them with a dictionary, enter the sentences in the SRS, get to the point where it's possible to read them without a dictionary and understand what's being said...

And then watch the movie with subtitles! Should be interesting to say the least, to be able to connect the dialog to the situations at last!

The only problem is that the regular-sized movie's subtitles would probably take too long to study at my current level. So it has to be some sort of a short.An episode of TV series would be ideal, but I don't think I'll find them with soft subtitles, usually the subtitles a "burnt" into the picture.

At this point I wondered, how many lines of dialog a regular movie has, so I've looked it up. Some sources suggest an average 56 lines per page in a 110 page script, which computes to more than 6000 lines per script. Wow, that's a lot! Realistically I should be looking for a ten-minute cartoon... But fat chance finding subtitles for that...

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