
Slow 1000 sentences progress

Day 17
Simple math: 17 days, 252 sentences. This almost exactly one fourth of the thousand sentences goal. This is about 15 sentences per day, which is lower than the planned 20. The number of daily review cards is still about 200, which is about the maximum that I can manage at the moment. At this rate is seems it'll take 51 day from now.

It seems that studying the new sentences takes a lot of time. Currently I'm looking up the unknown words and entering them into the card. Maybe I should try skipping the entering step and see how much time it saves? Does not look like I can skip the looking up in the dictionary part since I often cannot even deduce the borders between the words when there's a sentence with several unknown words.


The second 1000 sentences spurt is on!

Day 91
About three months of RTH studies. Time well spent! The only problem is that I still have a significant amount of daily reviews to do. The number of reps fluctuates about 200 per day. Some of those are simplified characters that I started to learn (rather lazily) lately. Some of those are the sentences that I did on my first attempt at learning sentences. Still the number is too high and it seems to decrease very slowly.
Day 1
I cannot wait any longer, so I'm starting the second 1000-sentences sprint. Well, probably not a sprint, since I've still got too much reviews, so I'll do this one slower. At the beginning I'll do 20 new sentences per day. And maybe learn 5 more new cards, such as simplified characters or maybe something else. At least that's what I did today: 20 sentences + 5 Simp->Trad mappings.



...I seem to confuse 圍(1222, to surround) and 團(1471, Troupe)... Need to invent a special story to separate the two.